# 56. Moby Dick: or, The White Whale by Herman Melville (Catharina)

This story is odd. I think maybe because I am a biologist, I think that makes it very odd for me. In a sense I get the great historical account that it gives of whaling. It is incredibly descriptive in the practice of whaling, the different tools used and how the hunt is performed. It also gives a very accurate and detailed account of the different types of whales as well as the different parts of a whale. This is in a sense interesting to me as a biologist, and I can see the worth of the book from that perspective.

The other side is the actual whaling business that makes me quite horrified. I am clearly not a big fan of whaling, so it leaves me with quite a bad taste in the mouth to read about how the whaling business used to be performed. There are multiple accounts in this book that in reality refers to the intelligence and sentience of these animals, and still they would continue to be persecuted. Humanity thinking that it stands above all.

The third thing that makes me feel a bit awkward about this book is Captain Ahab. I don’t think it is very healthy for anyone to become so filled with hate for anything, let alone someone that you tried to kill who then retaliated. The whale didn’t ask to be killed and persecuted, but when this was attempted he did his best to give back. In a sense I think that’s only fair. Captain Ahab though was mortally offended by the fact that a mere whale took his leg.

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