Tag Archives: The Metamorphosis

#67. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (Catharina)

This is an odd story. I am not certain what it is supposed to pass on? Is it supposed to make you contemplate anything? Mostly it made me feel a little bit awkward.

The main character Gregor wakes up one morning and it turns out he has been transformed in to an insect. I am not sure why, you never get told why and I am not certain if the story is supposed to pass on some type of moral issue you should think about? It turns out though that he has supported his whole family, they have lived quite comfortably. Now he has to deal with being an insect and his whole family being disgusted by him. Although the family quickly runs out of money, they seem to blame the insect (Gregor) for their misfortune. They can’t move out of the house due to the horrible secret they’ve got hidden in a room. Meanwhile Gregor just feels bad for them.

I’m not sure if it is just supposed to pass on that people that are very nice very rarely get paid back in kind?

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Filed under 61-70, Catharina, Fiction